الثلاثاء، 23 يناير 2018

Sound Marketing To Seniors Strategies You Can Take To The Bank

By Margaret Wagner

With America's population aging, smart advertisers are looking at the demographics and realizing senior citizens have disposable income and are willing to spend money on the things that interest them. They have some of the same preferences as younger generations, but often for different reasons. You can capture this market if you use some sound marketing to seniors strategies.

There are a lot of senior citizens who feel like aliens have landed and taken over the English language. Everywhere they turn there are emojis, soundbites, creative spelling, and online media feeds forcing users to resort to confusing acronyms. If you want to market to these people, you will have to return to standard English. They are generally skeptical of dramatic jargon and catch phrases. You have the best chance of gaining their attention with straightforward talk.

If you spend all your time describing the bells and whistles of your product, you won't end up selling much. This is true no matter the age of the customer. Instead you need to find out what the customer is looking for and convince them your product will fill the need. Older consumers may be as interested in your service as younger ones, but for different reasons.

If you want to lose a senior customer, talk down to them. Act as though they are toddlers or mentally impaired. These are people with long lives full of experience, knowledge, and in many cases, very successful careers. Nothing will disgust or make a senior mad faster than someone underestimating them. If you learn only one lesson about marketing to senior citizens, this is the one it should be.

You can't assume all seniors are technologically ignorant. A lot of them love social media, smart phones, and downloading new apps. On the other hand, there are older people who couldn't care less about the internet and still swear by their flip phones. Your challenge is to find a way to get the attention of both groups.

You might be tempted to drop your print advertising and concentrate on your website, believing everyone shops online these days. Seniors grew up when landlines and mail were the main forms of long distance communication. They still check books out of the library. Many look forward to seeing catalogs and brochures in their mailboxes, and enjoy the tactile nature of printed materials.

A lot of older people get frustrated and annoyed when they call to make a purchase or request information and keep getting automated responses. Some will hang up unless a real person answers the phone. Automation is great, but having a customer service department staffed by live, knowledgeable personnel can make all the difference with aging customers.

Senior citizens are a growing, vibrant segment of the buying public. In order to capture this market, you have to be smart and learn how their thought process works. Respectfulness, straight talk, and standard English will go a long way.

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