الجمعة، 9 يونيو 2017

Become A Donor At An American Red Cross Blood Drive

By Stephen Baker

Chances are you either know someone who has needed blood or you know someone who has given it. Hospitals need a continuous supply of fresh blood and its byproducts available for emergencies. This much-needed life-giving substance is often in short supply. This is why it is important to participate in the American Red Cross Blood Drive whenever someone is hosting this event.

Whether you choose to participate as a donor or the host of an event, you will be helping to save countless lives by collecting donated blood for use in area hospitals and emergency rooms. This could be one way that you give back to your community and help those who need it most. It doesn't cost anything to become a donor and the lives that you save will be well worth the effort.

Area hospitals are in need of this life giving substance and many do not have enough supplies on hand to cover a major emergency in which it may be required. This is why it is important to choose to become a donor and help to build up the supplies for those potential emergencies. The entire process is easy and doesn't take much time. You can become a donor and finish the process in a matter of minutes. Know that your choice will save many lives.

Donating blood takes about eight to ten minutes, longer for the blood byproducts such as plasma which can take an hour or two. These life-giving substances are needed however and the time it takes you to donate is minimal compared to other things you may choose to do with your time.

Such a simple process that could save many lives and yet not enough people participate in these events which make the supply of blood and it byproducts fall in short supply. You can help however by also participating as a host of a drive or volunteer your time in an event that is already planned. Giving your time, resources, and talents to help spread the word about becoming a donor is a very important task indeed and one that is much needed in local communities around the country.

Planning such an event takes time and involves many people. The Red Cross will do their part in the collection and processing of donors, you just need to be sure to get them there to donate. This is what working together as a team is all about.

The more you spread the word about the importance of giving this life-saving substance, the more awareness that you foster in the community and the potential to reach those who will become donors at these events increases. Awareness is the key and you must use your talents and resources for the marketing aspect of the event.

Every day more and more accidents are happening or people are becoming ill and need blood. If there is a short supply it is hard to imagine what will happen if those who are sick or injured cannot get the life-saving substance they need. It is up to each individual to spread the word and also participate in donor drives in order to help maintain the supply and keep it available to those who may need it most.

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